After Suffering Backlash, Ford Halts DEI

If there is one thing we should learn from history is that appeasement will never work with the radical left.

Look at every regime from Nazi Germany to Communist China and you will see a common theme that the only thing that the left responds to is strength.

The modern-day left is out of control where everything is going woke and everything is turning to shit; yet we will still have many in the Republican Party who think appeasement will cause the left to stop when in reality if you give them an inch, they will take the entire ruler and start whacking you with it.

But fortunately, the conservative movement is much larger than the left, and when united we have the power. Look what happened when we boycotted Bud Light, if we stop supporting woke corporations we will force big brands and corporations to stop caving to the lunatics on the left, leading to today's major story...

Nicholas Pagnotta
Co-Founder of The Raging Patriot

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” ~ Benjamin Franklin