RIGGED: Former Clinton Advisor Demands Investigation on ABC Debate

What we saw in last week's 3 on 1 ABC debate against Donald Trump was a disgrace. Never have we ever seen moderators in a debate so obviously rig it to prop up one candidate and target the other.

The debate was rigged from the very beginning and it was clear that there was coordination between the communist Kamala campaign and ABC, that is why we only saw fact checks against Donald Trump, we only saw follow-up questions to Donald Trump, and only Donald Trump saw biased stupid questions.

The reality is the fact checkers lied during their fact checks, Kamala avoided all questions and brought up countless proven lies, and the American people saw right through the bullshit and Donald Trump's support grew following the debate as a result.

But how bad did ABC do in the debate? Well, even those close to the Clintons think the debate was rigged and should be investigated, leading to today's major story:

Nicholas Pagnotta
Co-founder of The Raging Patriot

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” ~ Benjamin Franklin